Standing Together
Soccer Rosters
Rosters will be posted by Student ID outside Mr. Wells’ classroom on Tuesday. Students are encouraged to check there. You can fill out the Roster Notification Form to receive an email letting you know if your child made the team or not. If you don’t fill out this form and your child does not make the team, you will not get any notification.
Please review the Parent Handbook and other information at Direct questions to [email protected].
Dodgeball & Girls Self-Defense Updates
Dodgeball is currently running Mondays and Wednesdays 3-4
Girls Self-Defense begins WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22
Both activities meet in the gym. Visit spmsathleticboosters.
Self-Defense is a new addition to our Intramural offerings, run by a trained pro (and So. Pas parent!). Girls in all grades and experience levels are welcome. If your student plans to attend, complete this intramurals survey and indicate your interest in self-defense if you have not already! Practices will be Mon/Wed from 3-4:00PM.