This Wednesday: Our Annual Election Meeting
We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, April 24th at 5:30pm in the school library. Those in attendance at the meeting will be (1) electing next year’s Executive Board and (2) proposing an adopting a budget for next year’s booster club operations. All booster members are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting!
As for the election, the booster club’s nominating committee has proposed the following slate of candidates to next year’s Executive Board:
President: Megan Gardner
Vice President: Stella Jang
Treasurer: Ingrid Sanchez
Secretary: Jake White
V.P. Fundraising: Janis Oretega
(Principal and Athletic Director positions are not elected)
In addition to these Executive Board positions, there are a number of Director positions that are elected by next year’s Executive Board and serve on the overall Board of Directors. If you haven’t already, please let us know if you have any interest in serving one of these Director positions next year:
Membership Chair: Keep track of boosters memberships and reach out to families utilizing the sports programs to encourage them to join.
Fundraising Director(s): Assist with fundraising activities such as ice cream sales, dine out scheduling, spirit wear sales, corporate matching gifts.
Teams Coordinator: Work with the athletic director to create competitive teams rosters and send out initial communications, expectations, and schedules to parents of kids on each team. Team parents will be assigned to take over communication throughout the season.
Intramurals Coordinator: Create and maintain the intramurals permission form (a google form). Create a flyer to introduce each new intramurals activity throughout the year.
Communications Chair: Send out the weekly newsletter and other announcements. Can be completed at home in pajamas while watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Technical training is provided but it’s a piece of cake (which you can eat in your pajamas while sending out the newsletter). No writing necessary; all newsletter content is provided by the President.
Questions about open positions? Contact Erik Gammell at [email protected].
Thank you ACTM Snack Shack Volunteers!
We are proud to report that our annual All City Track Meet was a tremendous success! Gold medals go to all of the parents and students of SPMS who volunteered at the snack shack! We were the busiest (non-profit) biz in the 91030 slinging pizza, donuts, coffee, ice cream, drinks, candy, popcorn, and many, many Cup Noodles! Thanks to all who donated funds and items, we were able to keep costs low to maximize the amount of money raised for the SPMS Athletic Boosters. Whoohoo!
Three cheers (and more gold medals!) for our local businesses who generously donated items: Charlie’s Coffee House; Charlie’s Trio; Mamma’s Brick Oven Pizza & Pasta; Tomato Pie Pizza Joint; Trader Joe’s South Pasadena; Winchell’s Donut House South Pasadena; Yum Yum Donuts Alhambra. Thank you so much for contributing to our cause! You make our community better!
And last but not least, a victory lap is in order for Laura Kistner and Debbie Dorny for all their behind-the-scenes work organizing our mighty Snack Shack! Thank you, ladies! You really raised the bar!
[Student volunteers selling Cup Noodles to the masses. ]
04/16/2024 Boys Volleyball v. Oak Ave., 3:30 (L) 14-25; 25-23; 12-15
04/18/2024 Boys Volleyball v. Foothills., 3:30 (L) 6-25; 25-22; 12-15
04/23/2024 Boys Volleyball v. La Cañada, 3:30 (HOME)
04/25/2024 Boys Volleyball v. Dana, 3:30 (AWAY)
04/26/2024 Co-Ed Track and Field in 210 League Finals, 3:30pm until the last runner runs (San Marino High School)
Intramural Sport: Ultimate Frisbee
Please note that we have tentatively rescheduled the 9th Annual Main Event Poker Tournament to Saturday night, May 4th, at the War Memorial Building. We thank you again for your patience and understanding. We should be able to confirm the date later this week, and we will likely have some tickets available at that time. Please check the Athletic Booster website, Parentsquare, and the South Pasadena D.U.D.E.S. website later this week for updates.

Introducing the Raise Right Program
Click HERE to enroll
Once enrolled it’s simple to purchase the gift card through the app and use it to buy everyday items from groceries, hardware, clothes, coffee, etc. Participants can use the app to search for participating retailers.