Become an SPMS Athletics Booster! Donations pay for coaches, supervision, equipment, uniforms and transportation for both intramurals and competitive sports! If you are already a member, thank you so much for your support!![]() Subscribe to our newsletter |
TONIGHT – Last Chance to Order SPMS Spirit Wear!
SPMS merchandise is available for purchase again! Place your order by Sunday, March 23rd. Orders will be available in the front office the week of April 20th.
Not sure about sizing? Sample sizes are available in the front office. Returns accepted, and exchanges honored when possible.
Boys Volleyball Tryouts – Roster Notification
Rosters will be posted by Student ID outside Mr. Wells’ classroom within a few days after tryouts. Students are encouraged to check there. You can fill out the Roster Notification Form to receive an email letting you know if your child made the team or not. If you don’t fill out this form and your child does not make the team, you will not get any notification.
Please familiarize yourselves with the Parent Handbook and the information at More information coming soon.
Last Week’s Results – Congrats Boys Soccer!
Varsity – win vs Oak Ave (3-2) – 5th Place In League
We’ll include photos from the games if you upload them to our album!
Boosters 24-25 Photo Album
Track & Field Parent Meetings
Track practices have begun. Practices are Tue/Thu 3-4:30. Track & Field is open to all students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Please sign up by this week if your child is planning to join the team.
1) Sports Agreement & Permission Form
2) Become a Booster and/or Donate
Parent Meetings This Week (attend one option):
Option 1: 3/25 @ 4:15 PM (In person, SPMS Field)
Option 2: 3/26 @ 10 AM (ZOOM)
Option 3: 3/26 @ 7 PM (ZOOM)
NOTE: We will not have your contact information and your student will not officially be on the roster until you complete the permission form.
Intramural Volleyball Continues
Meet in the gym. Visit spmsathleticboosters.