We Need Coaches!

Do you know anyone who would be interested in coaching Flag Football, Girls Volleyball, or Intramurals at SPMS?   Please reach out to AD Kasey Wells ASAP at kwells@spusd.net.   Note that parents of SPMS students who are trying out for a team are not eligible to coach that sport.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school, Tiger Cubs!  We hope everyone had a wonderful summer.  The SPMS Athletic Boosters and our Athletic Director, SPMS teacher Kasey Wells, are ready to kick off an exciting year of sports!

SPMS competes against other public middle schools in the 210 League. Our COMPETITIVE SPORTS begin this fall with Cross Country, Flag Football and Girls Volleyball.  Because we have far fewer slots available on the teams than we have student athlete interest, we also offer a robust drop-in after school INTRAMURAL SPORTS program for all students.


Simply put, we can only do it with YOUR DONATIONS!  Middle school sports wouldn’t exist without the Athletic Boosters and the financial support we receive from parents and community businesses.  Every dollar we raise goes directly into making sports possible, providing virtually all of the funding for coaches, equipment, referees, uniforms, athletic director, tournament fees, transportation, and more. JOIN & DONATE HERE to become a member TODAY!

Thank you so much for your support.  Please stay tuned for more information about our fall sports offerings, tryouts and schedules.  Here are some tentative dates to help you plan:

    • Week of 8/26: Tryouts for Coed Flag Football and Girls Volleyball
    • Week of 9/3: First Cross Country Practice (no tryouts but first practice is mandatory)
    • 9/3 or 9/4: First Day of Intramurals

You can find more information about all of our programs at spmsathleticboosters.org.  Still have questions?  We can be reached by email at info@spmsathleticboosters.org.

Megan Gardner & Stella Jang
SPMS Athletic Boosters President and EVP

Volunteer for Ice Cream Sales

Support school sports and volunteer to sell ice cream Mondays after school.  Sign up here.

Raise Money for Boosters Through RAISE RIGHT

Earn money for Boosters through this program!  Click HERE to enroll

¡Nuestros estudiantes-atletas necesitan tu ayuda! Boosters es la forma principal en que se financia el programa deportivo de la escuela intermedia. Si su estudiante ha participado en un deporte competitivo o intramuros, le recomendamos encarecidamente que se una a Boosters. Su donación de membresía ayuda a pagar los entrenadores, uniformes, equipos, transporte, fiestas de fin de temporada y mucho más. Haga clic AQUÍ para unirse y donar.

¿Trabaja para una empresa que iguala sus donaciones? Comuníquese con nuestro correo electrónico de recaudación de fondos para más información: fundraising@spmsathleticboosters.org.

운동부에 속한 많은 학생들이 여러분의 도움을 필요로 하고 있습니다. 중학교 운동 프로그램의 주요 기부 방법은 Booster를 통해서입니다. 여러분의 학생이 교내 스포츠나 경쟁 스포츠에 참여하고 있다면 Boosters에 가입하기를 강하게 권합니다. 여러분의 멤버십 기부는 코치, 유니폼, 장비, 교통비, 시즌 종료 파티 등의 비용 지불에 많은 도움을 줍니다. 가입하고 기부하려면 여기에 클릭하시기를 바랍니다.

여러분의 회사가 기부금 매칭을 해준다면 여기로 연락 바랍니다:   fundraising@spmsathleticboosters.org.


資助我們中學的各項體育活動最主要的方式,就是通過我們的Boosters 組織來募款。 如果您的學生參加過或是即將參與校內競賽與課後體育活動,我們強烈鼓勵您加入我們的Boosters Club! 您的年度會員捐款將可幫助學生們支付教練、制服、設備、交通與季末派對等費用。 請點擊此處 HERE 加入會員並捐款。
