Heat Cancellations & Changes

How ’bout this HEAT?!  What a way to start off our sports seasons…  Please keep an eye out for notices about cancellations.  Until we have complete rosters, contact info, and team parents for all sports, we will communicate cancellations via boosters emails.  Please tell your students to listen for in-school announcements as well.

    • Flag Football – Both 7th and 8th grade will practice on Monday 9/9 at 7AM.
    • Intramurals – CANCELLED on Monday 9/9 due to heat.  Fingers crossed we can start on Wednesday 9/11.
    • Tuesday’s 7th Grade Flag Football game has been rescheduled to 9/18.
    • Cross Country practice is currently still scheduled for Tuesday 9/10 at 3PM, but stay tuned for changes!

Cross Country Roster

For your child to be on the roster and participate, you MUST complete the required forms at spmsathleticboosters.org/competitive.  Please complete the forms as soon as your students decides to join the team.  These forms are also how we get your contact information so you don’t miss important info!


Roster Notifications

Roster notifications went out last Sunday 9/1.  If you filled out the Roster Notification Form after 9/1, you might not have received notice.  The Roster Notification Form will reopen before next season’s tryouts.  Please email us at [email protected] if you have questions about the roster.


NO intramurals on Monday 9/9 due to heat.  Ultimate Frisbee will begin on Wednesday 9/11.  Parents MUST complete a permission form BEFORE the first day of attendance.  The Intramurals coach does NOT take attendance. The program is drop-in and students are not required to stay the entire time.  Please let your student know what you expect of them and read the FAQs thoroughly.

Athletic Eligibility Requirements

Who is eligible to play competitive sports at SPMS?  Make sure you and your student understand the academic and behavior requirements posted here: spmsathleticboosters.org/competitive.

Bylaws Update

Over the spring and summer, our Bylaws Review Committee proposed updates to the sections outlining the roles & responsibilities of all Directors as well as minor updates to procedures and minor spelling and grammatical error corrections. The Executive Board will be voting on the proposed bylaws at our next board meeting on Monday 9/16. A hard copy of the bylaws will be on file in the main office after 9/16.

Volunteer for Ice Cream Sales

Support school sports and volunteer to sell ice cream Mondays after school.  Sign up here.

Raise Money for Boosters Through RAISE RIGHT

Earn money for Boosters through this program!  Click HERE to enroll.

Boosters Membership


¡Nuestros estudiantes-atletas necesitan tu ayuda! Boosters es la forma principal en que se financia el programa deportivo de la escuela intermedia. Si su estudiante ha participado en un deporte competitivo o intramuros, le recomendamos encarecidamente que se una a Boosters. Su donación de membresía ayuda a pagar los entrenadores, uniformes, equipos, transporte, fiestas de fin de temporada y mucho más. Haga clic AQUÍ para unirse y donar.

¿Trabaja para una empresa que iguala sus donaciones? Comuníquese con nuestro correo electrónico de recaudación de fondos para más información: [email protected].

운동부에 속한 많은 학생들이 여러분의 도움을 필요로 하고 있습니다. 중학교 운동 프로그램의 주요 기부 방법은 Booster를 통해서입니다. 여러분의 학생이 교내 스포츠나 경쟁 스포츠에 참여하고 있다면 Boosters에 가입하기를 강하게 권합니다. 여러분의 멤버십 기부는 코치, 유니폼, 장비, 교통비, 시즌 종료 파티 등의 비용 지불에 많은 도움을 줍니다. 가입하고 기부하려면 여기에 클릭하시기를 바랍니다.

여러분의 회사가 기부금 매칭을 해준다면 여기로 연락 바랍니다:   [email protected].


資助我們中學的各項體育活動最主要的方式,就是通過我們的Boosters 組織來募款。 如果您的學生參加過或是即將參與校內競賽與課後體育活動,我們強烈鼓勵您加入我們的Boosters Club! 您的年度會員捐款將可幫助學生們支付教練、制服、設備、交通與季末派對等費用。 請點擊此處 HERE 加入會員並捐款。

您的公司是否願意贊助與您的捐款金額相符的捐款?請聯絡我們的捐款信箱,以了解更多有關企業贊助的資訊:[email protected].