Poker Night In Review: Thank You!
This past Saturday night, the Boosters and the South Pasadena DUDES co-hosted the 9th Annual Main Event Poker Tournament at the War Memorial Building. The event is our largest community fundraiser, and this year we welcomed 110 players and around 40 spectators. In poker lingo, we had a Full House! Attendees were treated to tacos, pizza, desserts, beer, wine, music, and great rounds of Texas Hold ‘Em poker. After four hours of tournament play, the final table produced this year’s winner: Bill Clemons, a South Pasadena parent!
There are many people to thank for helping with this event. First, thanks to all who attended. We hope you had fun seeing old friends and making new ones. Special thanks to DUDES and our event sponsors– Nichole Dunville of Coldwell Banker Realty, Mamma’s Brick Oven Pizza & Pasta, Ohana Brewing Company, and Jason Bergman of the of the Agency. Many thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time in decorating the venue, running the registration table, providing and serving food and drinks, and cleaning up the venue at the end. And a final big thank you to our Booster Board fundraising team of Crystal Arceo, Rachel Brabaw, and Mike Webb. Look for photos of the event in this week’s local newspaper, and we will see you again next spring!
04/29/2024 Boys Volleyball v. Huntington (W) 25-14; 25-14
05/02/2024 Boys Volleyball v. Clifton, 3:30 (W) 25-14; 25-16
05/08/2024 Boys Volleyball 210 League Championship Tournament, 3:15 (Monrovia High School Event Center)
New and Final Intramural Sport: Indoor Volleyball

Introducing the Raise Right Program
Click HERE to enroll
Once enrolled it’s simple to purchase the gift card through the app and use it to buy everyday items from groceries, hardware, clothes, coffee, etc. Participants can use the app to search for participating retailers.