Intramural Ultimate Frisbee
Last Wednesday we had an amazing 50-student turnout for our first intramural sport, Ultimate Frisbee–a mix of basketball, football, and soccer played with a frisbee! We kicked off the season with fun raffle prizes (Frisbees! Ice cream coupons!). A heartfelt thank you to the tireless and always game Intramurals Coordinator, Gina Wilson for leading the program each Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Remember that intramurals are open to all students with a parent’s permission slip. It is not too late to join the fun!
Cross Country Parent Meeting
Cross country families, mark your calendar for a parent meeting Tuesday, September 12th, at 4:15pm in the school quad area. Coaches will give an overview of the season and take any questions.
**We need 1 or 2 team parents to organize team communications, pizza parties, carpools etc. Please email our Teams Coordinator, Susan Yoshimura if you are interested: [email protected].
Sell Ice Cream to Support Sports and 8th Grade Activities

Upcoming Games and Matches
9/14/2023 8th Grade Flag Football v. Jefferson (AWAY) 3:30pm
9/14/2023 7th Grade Girls Volleyball v. Jefferson (AWAY) 3:30pm
Join SPMS Athletic Boosters
Not already a member of Athletic Boosters? Membership is strongly encouraged for families participating in competitive sports. Your dollars help pay for coaches, uniforms, equipment, and much more. Join and donate HERE. Do you work for a company that will match your donations? Contact our matching gifts email for more information: [email protected]