Cross Country Follow Up
Thank you to the cross country parents who volunteered last week to either run alongside the students or station themselves throughout the practice runs. This helped mitigate chaos! If your student is on the team and you are available to volunteer, please follow up on the Team Parent emails from last week. The team will continue to need volunteers for the next few weeks during their Tuesday and Thursday practice runs.
Intramurals Updates
Intramural Girls Lacrosse will begin on October 5th. Sessions will be held Thursday and Friday afternoons. Girls who are interested in playing should bring any of their own equipment they have (esp. mouth-guards). SPMS will also provide needed equipment. If your student is interested, please complete this Google Form (if you have not yet done so).
Intramural Outdoor Basketball will also begin in the coming weeks. More information in next week’s newsletter!
Intramural Ultimate Frisbee will run for two more weeks.
Upcoming Games and Matches
9/26/2023 7th Grade Flag Football v. Santa Fe (HOME) 3:30
9/28/2023 7th Grade Girls Volleyball v. LaCañada Prep (HOME) 3:30
9/28/2023 8th Grade Girls Volleyball v. La Canada (Home) 3:30
9/28/2023 8th Grade Flag Football v. Huntington (AWAY) 3:30
Last Week’s Scores
9/19/2023 7th Grade Flag Football v. LaCañada (L) 16-12
9/22/2023 8th Grade Flag Football v. LaCañada (W) 16-10
9/22/2023 8th Grade Girls Volleyball v. LaCañada (W) 3:30pm 25-18, 25-22
9/22/2023 7th Grade Girls Volleyball v. LaCañada (L) 14-25,22-25
Join SPMS Athletic Boosters
Not already a member of Athletic Boosters? Membership is strongly encouraged for families participating in competitive sports. Your membership supports Join and donate HERE. Your dollars help pay for coaches, uniforms, equipment, and much more. Do you work for a company that will match your donations? Contact our matching gifts email for more information: [email protected]
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