Intramurals Updates
We are so fortunate to offer TWO intramural sports this month!
Outdoor basketball is open to all grades on Monday and Wednesdays after school.
Girls Lacrosse is open to all grades on Thursday and Friday after school. All abilities are welcome! Bring your own mouthguard. We have loaner equipment if you don’t have your own.
Both sports: Please remember to fill out the parent permission slip if your student plans on participating.
And, don’t forget to join SPMS Boosters today!
Cross Country Updates
Good luck to our Cross Country team participating in the legendary 75th annual Mt. Sac Invitational on Friday, October 13th. Our runners will have the opportunity to compete against thousands of other middle school runners on a state-of-the art two-mile course.
Upcoming Games and Matches
10/10/2023 7th Grade Flag Football v. Jefferson (HOME) 3:30
10/12/2023 8th Grade Girls Volleyball v. Oak Ave (HOME) 3:30
10/12/2023 7th Grade Girls Volleyball v. Oak Ave (HOME) 4:30
10/12/2023 8th Grade Flag Football v. Huntington (HOME) 3:30
10/13/2023 8th Grade Flag Football v. La Cañada Prep (AWAY) 3:30
10/13/2023 Boys and Girls Cross Country, Mt. Sac Invitational (AWAY)
Last Week’s Scores
10/3/2023 7th Grade Flag Football v. Huntington (W) 6-0
10/4/2023 7th Grade Flag Football v. Foothills (W) 30-0
10/5/2023 8th Grade Girls Volleyball v. Huntington (W) 15-25; 25-13; 15-4
10/5/2023 7th Grade Girls Volleyball v. Huntington (L) 12-25; 12-25
10/5/2023 8th Grade Flag Football v. Jefferson (W) 34-0
Merch Sales: Holiday Deadline
Join SPMS Athletic Boosters
Not already a member of Athletic Boosters? Membership is strongly encouraged for families participating in competitive sports. Your membership supports Join and donate HERE. Your dollars help pay for coaches, uniforms, equipment, and much more. Do you work for a company that will match your donations? Contact our matching gifts email for more information: [email protected]
Sell Ice Cream to Support Sports and 8th Grade Activities