Intramurals Sports Program is an on-campus after school sports program for 6th, 7th and 8th graders designed to introduce students to new sports and develop skills and sportsmanship in a fun, non-competitive or minimally competitive atmosphere. All sports are co-ed. A new sport will be offered every 4 to 5 weeks. Students can participate in as many or few sports as they choose and they may begin at any point during the school year. Please subscribe to our newsletter for intramural schedule and sport updates.
M/W 3:00 – 4:00
Students should go to the middle school field after school for outdoor sports and the gym for indoor sports. Watch our newsletter for start dates!
Sep: Ultimate Frisbee
Oct: Outdoor Basketball
Nov/Dec: Flag Football
Jan: Dodgeball & Girls Self-Defense
Feb: Indoor Basketball
Mar: Volleyball (TBD)
Apr: Soccer (TBD) & Dance (TBD)
May: Pickleball (TBD)
*Schedule subject to change
- Fill out a permission form.
- Just show up!
- Join the Boosters – SUPPORT SCHOOL SPORTS! Become a Booster today and help support the continuation of all our programs! Boosters Membership is not required for participation, but highly encouraged!!
* No need to let us know if your student will miss a session. Attendance is NOT taken at intramurals. Students may come and go as they wish.
* Students do not have to attend all days.
* Students may participate in all sports or only in sports that interest them.
* You only need to sign the permission slip once for the year
* Please keep your student home if he/she/they have any signs of illness. If student has not attended school that day. They may not attend intramurals.
Starting in 2023-2024, we offered the opportunity for girls to participate in a special intramurals program, Girls Lacrosse. Practices begin in October. Keep an eye out for more information on how to participate in our newsletter. Participation may be first-come-first-serve or by tryout if interest necessitates that. Girls may be required to supply their own equipment. Scrimmages may be arranged by the coach.
For questions about intramurals, please contact [email protected].
We are very excited that ALL students will be able to participate in sports after school whether they make a competitive team or not. Due to field and court constraints, we cannot have intramurals and competitive sports doing the same sport simultaneously.
Where do we pick up our students?
The Bank Street gate is open after school and students can exit from that gate.
Do I need to have a Boosters T-shirt?
No, a Boosters t-shirt is not required to participate in intramural sports. However, please consider purchasing one to show school spirit and help support our programs!
Will I be notified if the activity is canceled? How? When?
The school will notify parents via email as soon as possible in the event of cancelation for any reason. We will also send an email to parents who have completed the intramurals permission form. Please also be sure you are subscribed to the Boosters newsletter for up-to-date information.
Who are the coaches?
A sports coordinator with experience running similar programs will be in charge. Depending upon the number of student attendees, we also may have parent or high school student volunteers helping out.
What if I can’t go that day? Who do I notify?
No problem! No notification is required if a student cannot attend.
Can parents attend the intramural events?
No. The intramural program is designed to be a fun, non-competitive after-school activity. Given the size of the program, the school is unable to accommodate parents as spectators.